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Studio 9 Group Yoga Class Hereford


I first came to yoga, after it was suggested to help heal and recover from a broken pelvis by falling off a horse and having had nearly 3 months bed-bound. Whilst the movement part was great, what I got hooked on was the floating calmness that I felt by the end of Savasana. Being bed-bound for that long had caused me to be quite depressed and yoga provided much-needed relief.  However, once I was 'better' my career picked up, I was fulfilling living the London life: work hard, play harder. 

I have openly struggled with stress, burnout, and addiction issues and collected an array of mental health labels in my 20's, I really delved into my practice during a period of in-patient rehabilitation in Thailand. Understanding that Yoga is the original self-development piece. The vast subject teaches us so much, not only about ourselves but how to find out place in the world. The one thing that gave me hope, and that has continually supported my mental health is my yoga practice. I will forever be a lifelong student of this way of life, this philosophy, and so I needed to share it with others. 

Moving to Hereford and not having a studio or community I left lost and lonely. 

Yoga is not just getting bendy, it is thought-provoking, it's teaching life sessions and it is activism. STUDIO 9 is a labour of love, and a place where you can come learn to support your health and wellbeing which in turn ripples to those around us. No one should feel alone - so if you are a little lost right now, you're welcome here. You belong. 


I grew up dancing and my love for movement has also spilled into Pilates and Barre to compliment and challenge myself so I feel we have curated a mix of the best for you across our timetable. 


We have some of the most experienced teachers in Hereford on our schedule, as well as some newer teachers who are just wonderful souls.


Posing with Yoga Mats

Get in Touch

We're moving to:

Preibe Building, Hereford, HR41DX


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